Shelby told us a bit about ourself, check it out!

A:Since I am an undergraduate I am still developing my design aesthetic but I am drawn towards creating simple forms that have a touch of personality to them whether that is in my glazing process or the creating of the form itself.
Q:What do you love most about ceramics?
A:I love that you can create functional objects from a pile of clay, and that there are no limits to what you can create. I also really enjoy the glazing process, although it can sometimes be unpredictable, it is amazing to see all of the new colors and layers you can create.
Q:What are your inspirations? in general and for the selected piece.
A:I inspire to continue to develop my own style and continue to grow as an artist. For my share piece I enjoy the organic style and the whimsical dripping of the glaze.
Q:How long have you been making ceramics or other art in general?
A:I have always had a love for art ever since I was little, but i have been working with ceramics for almost a year and a half now
Q:What are you most excited about for this CSA season?
A:This will be my first season with CSA so I am very excited to work with other artists and be involved in a community full of support and a love for art.
Q:What are some other art related internships, demonstrations, gallery showings, or publications you have been involved with?
A: Being an undergraduate I haven't had the chance yet to be a part of an internship but sinceFall of 2016 I have been a apart of the Clemson Ceramics Association.